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MW13 Difficult Airway Management Simulator


From beginners to experts with a range of difficulty levels Difficult Airway Management Simulator provides training for users from all levels of experience with availability of 24 different cases. The robust structure and stable base make the model compatible for various training scenarios such as emergency, pre-hospital or clinical settings. A variety of actual clinical devices can be used for training, such as laryngoscope, bag valve mask, and a video laryngoscope


1 | 24 variations of patient scenario (including 1 normal case):

         3 stages of mouth opening,  2 stages of neck flexibility, 2 tongue sizes and 2 positions of the vocal cords


2 | Upper incisors are designed to break off when excessive force is applied.

Training Skills/Applications

1| Airway opening techniques (head tilt, jaw thrust)

2| Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation

3| Pre-intubation airway assessment

4| Recreating the sniffing position

5| Pressurization of external larynx to improve the laryngeal view

6| Intraoral/Intranasal Intubation

7| Use of oropharyngeal airway (OPA)

8| Use of nasopharyngeal airway (NPA)

9| Use of laryngeal airway mask

10| Use of video laryngoscope


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